Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our 2nd Meet up @ 9.3.2011

2nd check up

Oops, my dearie, please forgive mommy for the late updating... Mommy was sick terribly after mommy & daddy's wedding on 12.3.2011. Are you happy on that day, too? Mommy so sayang you, you are so obedient to let mommy enjoy the whole wedding on that day without feeling unwell!

It has been 9 weeks already. Again, mommy and daddy were so excited listening to your heartbeat again~ So adorable! It's so amazing looking at your grow from 0.633cm to 2.25cm right now in just 3 weeks time~ And your dearie daddy again ignorantly asking Doctor whether can see your little leg and hands....haha... your daddy so cute...

Mommy took some medicines to standby for our honeymoon. Unfortunately, mommy fell sick terribly feeling bad in vomitting and fever and flu...Hope it does not affect you darling.

Today is 1/4/2011. Happy 3 months my sweetheart! Mommy can't wait to tell the whole world about you~ We are meeting up again on 6/4/2011 next wednesday ya. Show me your little hands ok? I will continue sing for you with your dearie daddy everynight before sleep like what we are doing these few days. Guai Guai my dear baby... Steadily and healthily, there are godmothers and godfathers and a lots of ah yi, Shu Shu waiting for you oo....MUAKS~!!!
